Vivobarefoot shoes for hiking and trail running.
Vivobarefoot Primus Trail II SG Mens Botanical Green is a barefoot shoe.
Barefoot shoes are minimalist shoes that give an experience close to walking barefoot with feet still protected from cold and injury. Walking in barefoot shoes strengthens muscles, helps feet regain their natural shape, ease hallux valgus, and prevents ankle, knee, and back problems. Barefoot shoes are the most comfortable shoes you have ever worn.
They are characterized by:
- Wide toe box following the natural shape of toes
- Zero heel-to-toe drop
- No arch support
- A flexible and thin sole
- Lightweight
Main features: This vegan shoe is made using recycled plastics, providing lightweight and breathable movement. This makes these shoes the best choice for both the planet and your feet. They are light and wide at the front so that toes have plenty of room to move.
The Soft Ground sole with 2.5mm base and 5mm lugs is especially good for running and walking on muddy trails. It is not recommended to wear Vivobarefoot shoes on Soft Ground soles on asphalt as they might wear off sooner.
The tongue of Primus Trail II is open on the sides (compared to the older Primus Trail model) and therefore it is easier to put them on and adjust to different foot types.
Where to wear: Vivobarefoot Primus Trail II shoes are suitable for hiking and trail running. Wearing on asphalt may cause damage to the soles.
Fit: These sneakers are a good fit for a medium-width foot.
Upper material: mesh – recycled PET
Sole: Soft Ground (SG) sole with 2.5mm base and 5mm lugs
Fastening: elastic laces with quick fastening
Care: wipe the shoes regularly with a wet cloth. Spraying is not necessary, but it can ease the cleaning.
Made in Vietnam
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